Andrew Minchew Online HQ

Dead Simple Sites and a project idea

Ran across this on hackernews and didn't want to lose track of it. If you, a weary internet traveller happen upon this and find value, all the better.

dead simple sites

In unrelated news, I stumbled across some old blog posts archived from Posterous, Blogger, and Tumblr, as well as some old journal entries in a variety of formats and I think I'm going to start working my way towards a canonical personal history. I still have to figure out what it means to build it and make it browsable for myself but maybe not necessarily public... i guess that means it's just a private HTML file...

I just have spent so much time over the course of my life putting my thoughts into writing in some form or another that I think it would be interesting to view it all from one place.

Also, I definitely want to feed it into some AI and have it reveal something interesting to me about myself.

I've probably mentioned at some point recently how I've been using Pi (like an AI counseling chat bot) to process some thoughts and honestly it's been a game changer. The Neuron newsletter put it well when they said it's like having a friend who's always available and has extremely high emotional intelligence and expects nothing in return.

As if a good chat bot wasn't cool enough, I spent some time chatting with it last week about creative blocks and then this afternoon it sent me a follow up message. 😳

All that said... hoping to write more and maybe share updates on more creative efforts in the future.
